Thursday, February 12, 2009

So yesterday we released a special marketing campaign with Sports Illustrated by skinning a plane with a pic of a very hot model.  From what i have heard it will be on for about a month.  Apparently there are many people who feel this is not tasteful and very shameful of us to put up.  I guess i can understand the comments and frustrations.  It wouldn't be fair of me to dismiss the people as idiots.  But i will say that I don't understand the people who are just plain hateful of the whole situation.  After reading comments on the Southwest blog and Dallas Morning News i cant believe how mean some people are.  I guess its a sign of the times.    Not to say that I'm as saint or anything but i guess I am just much more accepting of things.  Perhaps its my age or the times that I grew up in but I cant see why that is such a bad thing.  If you look at TV or movies there is violence and sex left and right and now one ever says anything about those, its just considered art.  Oh well, fuck it i guess.  People can say what they want.  The main reason it pisses me off is because people call into our offices bitching and it just makes no sense.  Rant done......

On other news, I will be moving soon and its not soon enough.  Though the new place is right down the street i feel like I'm moving across the country.  But as stressed as I am, I just want it to be done with.  What I'm happy about is I have a lot of new things, so i don't have to move as much shit.  Much of it is going to friends or family and some is going to good will.  Once its all said and done I think I will feel much better.  

Well another day down, many more to go.....................

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